A Guide to Aged Care

For residents assessed as having high care needs they will generally require around the clock, 24 hour nursing care to assist with all daily activities. This may be because they are physically incapacitated or suffer from physical or behavioural problems. In order to provide this level of care, staff respond to an individual resident’s care needs and lifestyle wishes in a positive and friendly manner. Experienced nursing staff with clinical expertise assist residents by administering medication, wound care management, pain management, continence assistance and many other services.
Residents assessed as having low level care needs need some help with their day to day activities. For example, they can move or walk on their own but they may have trouble with domestic duties, or bathing or the rigors of looking after themselves and their home.
These residents can benefit from the expert care offered by our well trained staff and the beautiful home-like atmosphere at Cranbrook Care’s residences.
Activities such as day trips, the daily exercise program, arts and craft and entertainment provide the fun and companionship essential for a high quality of life.
In addition, Cranbrook Care’s residences arrange allied health services including physiotherapy, podiatry, nutritional advice and audiology services.
What is Respite Care?
Cranbrook Care provides respite care services to help carers to take breaks from their caring. Flexible dementia specific respite is also provided for carers of people with dementia and challenging behaviour. The maximum number of respite days available to anyone in a residential aged care facility is 63 days per year.
What is Dementia Care?
Dementia is a general term used to describe problems with memory and thinking. The early signs of dementia can be very subtle and may not be immediately obvious. Common symptoms are:
- Memory loss, particularly recent memory
- Confusion
- Personality change
- Withdrawal
- Loss of ability to do everyday tasks
There are different forms of dementia and each has its own causes, with Alzheimer’s disease being the most common. Dementia affects brain cells and is progressive and irreversible. Residents with dementia differ in the patterns of problems they have, and the speed with which their abilities deteriorate. Dementia can happen to anybody, but is more common over the age of 65. For more information about dementia contact your doctor, or telephone the Dementia Helpline on 1800 100 500. Cranbrook Care’s facilities include secure dementia specific care areas which are specially designed for people living with dementia.
What is Palliative Care?
Palliative care is specialised care and support provided for someone living with a terminal illness. Our approach to Palliative Care aims to improve the quality of life for residents and their families, through effective treatment of pain and by supporting their physical, cultural, psychological, social and spiritual needs.
What is your position on Voluntary Assisted Dying?
Cranbrook Care values every person and is committed to providing inclusive care that supports Australians from all backgrounds and beliefs. We are committed to self-directed care which empowers our residents to influence the design and delivery of the end of life care they receive including palliative care and voluntary assisted dying. Cranbrook Care acknowledges but does not support the NSW Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) Act 2022 and is not an accredited provider of such services. However, Cranbrook Care will not hinder access to information about voluntary assisted dying and will not deny access to the process of voluntary assisted dying to any of our residents.
What is Extra Services?
Extra Service involves the provision of ‘hotel’ type services or lifestyle extras, including higher standards of accommodation and food choices. Extra Service offers increased choice and diversity.
What is ageing in place?
Cranbrook Care provides ageing in place in all its aged care facilities. It enables Cranbrook Care to deliver continuity of appropriate care within a familiar environment – often without the need for a disruptive or disturbing relocation.
What kind of personal care can I expect to receive?
At a Cranbrook Care residence residents can expect the very best care available, from expertly trained, compassionate professional people who love what they do.
What are the standards for staff working in residential aged care facilities?
All residential aged care facilities are subject to an Accreditation process conducted by the Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission in which we are assessed according to Accreditation Standards. Our staff are chosen because of their appropriate skills and their caring and approachable nature. All staff must pass a series of compulsory checks to work within our facilities. In addition, all residential aged care facilities are being subject to random spot checking by the Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission.
What leisure activities are available?
With an emphasis on quality of life, our facilities have developed life enriching Leisure & Lifestyle programs for our residents including daily exercises, cards and other games, arts and crafts, in-house concerts and seminars, in-house movies, bus outings and art classes. Often these activities and events involve local groups allowing residents to connect with the broader community.